Visual Arts - WEA Sydney
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Visual Arts
Visual Art Courses

Visual Arts

Art is the sensual medium of combining colour and texture to produce things of beauty and utility. Art is about the inner vision being unleashed into outer expressions be that through appreciating the art of others or creating your very own art works.


Available Classes

$43 Limited inc GST

M.C. Escher - Master of the Visual Illusion

<p>Maurits Cornelis Escher, known as M.C. Escher was a Dutch graphic artist whose work was often inspired by mathematics. His fish became birds, water flowed up not down and hands drew each other. His


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$269 Limited inc GST / $242

Introducing your Digital Camera Weekend Workshop

<p>This class is for the beginner. Learn how to use your camera more effectively than just pressing the shutter button. Take control of the essential functions to effect changes in your photographs.


Available Classes

$72 Limited inc GST

The Art and Identity of Palestinian Clothing - From the Bronze Age Until Now

<p>Explore the traditional clothing of Palestine and how the cut of its robes and the ornament of its embroidery express the history of a region from at least the Late Bronze Age until now. The


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